Human Object Detection for Real-Time Camera using Mobilenet-SSD

Rachmat Muwardi, Joe Mada Ranseda Permana, Hongmin Gao, Mirna Yunita


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Technology development is very rapid, so all fields are required to develop technology to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of work. One of the focuses is related to image processing technology. We can benefit from this system, so various fields have implemented image processing systems, such as security, health, and education. One of the current obstacles is safety, namely in searching for people, which is still done manually. Searching for teams to find people is often challenging because of the significant search area, low light conditions, and complex search fields. Therefore, we need a tool capable of detecting humans to assist in finding people. Therefore, to detect human objects, the authors try to research human object detection using a simple device for the human object detection system. The authors use the MobilenetV2-SSD, where this algorithm has high detection and accuracy. Using the mobilenetV2-SSD simulation method for human object recognition, a detection rate of 100% is obtained with an FPS value of 5.


Computer Vision; Image Processing; Mobilenet; Object Detection; Optimization; SSD;

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