Collision avoidance of mobile robot using Alexnet and NVIDIA Jetson Nano B01

Ferryawan Harris Kristanto, Zendi Iklima


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In this research, an intelligence collision avoidance system on a mobile robot was designed using the AlexNet image classifier method. AlexNet is a convolutional neural network architecture that managed to win the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. The dataset consists of three categorical labels: blocked right, blocked left, and free. Images of 224 x 224 pixels were trained into two CNN architectures: AlexNet and ResNet-18. The performance of both architectures was examined in a testing environment. The system was built without real-time obstacles, instead using the side boundaries of the test lane. Analogously, if the mobile robot moves either through the side lane or off track, then these conditions are defined as a crash. From the entire research that was done, it was determined that intelligence collision avoidance models based on AlexNet were the most reliable models, with an average accuracy deviation rate of 6,00%. The true pre-trained AlexNet adopted from PyTorch Transfer Learning had 92.22% overall accuracy, while the non-trained AlexNet achieved 90.81% accuracy. It is also supported by the evidence that Intelligence Collision Avoidance Model-1 and Model-3 based on AlexNet didn’t lead the mobile robot to spin out and were stable in the test lane.


Collision avoidance; Deep Learning; Mobile robot; NVIDIA Jetson Nano B01;

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