ARX, ARMAX, Box-Jenkins, Output-Error, and Hammerstein Models for Modeling Intelligent Pneumatic Actuator (IPA) System

Mohamed Naji Muftah, Wong Liang Xuan, Ahmad ‘Athif Mohd Faudzi


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A pneumatic actuator is highly nonlinear, which makes the precise position control of this actuator difficult to achieve. In order to achieve precise control, selecting a suitable model structure is a prerequisite before control estimation. This selection of the model structure is based upon an understanding of the physical systems. In this paper, the black-box model is chosen as a system identification model for modeling position control of an Intelligent Pneumatic Actuator (IPA) system and a variety of parametric model structures. The parametric model structure, such as ARX, ARMAX, Box-Jenkins, output-error structures, and Hammerstein available in the black-box model, is used to assist in modeling the IPA system. The results indicate that Hammerstein had the best performance for modeling position control of the IPA system with the best fit 94.95. Also, the results show that ARX, ARMAX, Box-Jenkins, and output-error structures had best fit more than 90%.


ARMAX; ARX; Box-Jenkins; Intelligent Pneumatic Actuator; System Identification (SI);

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Journal of Integrated and Advanced Engineering (JIAE),
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Asosiasi Staf Akademik Perguruan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia (ASASI):

p-ISSN: 2774-602X
e-ISSN: 2774-6038
Journal URL:
Journal DOI: 10.51662/jiae

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