Detection of Road Cracks Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Threshold Segmentation

Arselan Ashraf, Ali Sophian, Amir Akramin Shafie, Teddy Surya Gunawan, Norfarah Nadia Ismail, Ali Aryo Bawono


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Automatic road crack detection is an important transportation maintenance responsibility for ensuring driving comfort and safety. Manual inspection is considered to be a risky method because it is time consuming, costly, and dangerous for the inspectors. Automated road crack detecting techniques have been extensively researched and developed in order to overcome this issue. Despite the difficulties, most of the proposed methodologies and solutions involve machine vision and machine learning, which have lately acquired traction largely due to the increasingly more affordable processing power. Nonetheless, it remains a difficult task due to the inhomogeneity of crack intensity and the intricacy of the background.  In this paper, a convolutional neural network-based method for crack detection is proposed. The method is inspired from recent advancements in applying machine learning to computer vision. The primary goal of this work is to employ convolutional neural networks to detect the road crack. Data in the form of images has been used as input, preprocessing and threshold segmentation is applied to the input data. The processed output is feed to CNN for feature extraction and classification. The training accuracy was found to be 96.20 %, the validation accuracy to be 96.50 %, and the testing accuracy to be 94.5 %.


Crack Detection; Computer Vision; Convolutional Neural Networks; Machine Learning;

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